
Cognition and Learning

Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD)

Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) - dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia


  • All teachers have received training and use the Newcastle Mainstream Guidance in supporting the needs of all pupils with cognition and learning difficulties.
  • Staff support access to the curriculum and to develop the skills for independent learning e.g. through changes to classroom environments, use of IT, Learning Support Assistants, specific interventions etc.
  • Staff use a wide range of resources to promote multi-sensory, practical, creative and independent learning.
  • Staff seek specialist advice and the expertise from SEND OS (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Outreach Service) or the Educational Psychologist to ensure the needs of children are clearly identified.
  • Additional processing/thinking time for responding to questions, completing tasks, sharing ideas.
  • Staff assess pupils for access arrangements for SATs testing and provide appropriate arrangements.
  • Scaffolded curriculum, concrete apparatus, visual prompts and other resources are used to enable pupils to make progress.
  • Along with quality first teaching and intervention,s we also use IT based programmes used to reduce barriers to learning where possible e.g. Lexia
  • Small group scaffolded daily phonics teaching for Reception, Key Stage 1
  • Lexia is now used for some key Stage 2 pupils.
  • Small group or 1:1 targeted intervention programmes are delivered to pupils to improve reading, writing and maths skills – teachers use the ‘keep up, catch’ up approach to instantly address learning needs.
  • Strategies and resources to support dyslexic pupils eg. coloured overlays for reading, word banks to support spelling of key words.
  • Provision of table top resources to promote independence and ensure that learning is multi-sensory and practical.


Updated August 2022